Thursday, February 01, 2007

Blog, Blog, Blog

So, I wasn't going to blog today. Not because I didn't want to, but just because I really don't have anything to say. But, then I read Nobody's last blog and decided not having anything to blog about isn't such a bad thing! And really, I have a lot to blog about - we are in our new house! Praise God! Finally, we have a place of our own to call "home!" It is so nice...even through all the MESS at the moment, I still love it! Hayden had a rough couple of days while we were moving, but he has been doing great lately. He loves his new room, which at the moment is just toys, toys and more toys! (No wonder he LOVES it!) We haven't gotten any blinds or drapes on the windows yet (luckily there is no one living in the houses next to us, so we don't have to worry about peeping Toms) so Hayden is sleeping in our closet until I can get something up on his windows. Otherwise, he'll be up with the sun and anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a morning person. If he'll sleep longer in the closet, than that's where I'll keep him for now. And Laney finally has a crib! Uncle Blake and Aunt Sandy loaned us theirs...and what a deal, it matches all her furniture! We don't have bedding yet though, so she has yet to have her first night in the crib. I am looking forward to that! It's been hard keeping her on a normal schedule while she's been in the same room as us. But, it's time!

I love my little boy. Yesterday, he was playing by himself in the living room while I was making his lunch. While he was in there, I heard him start to sing. He was singing Jesus Loves Me. It was so sweet, and he knew the whole song. It was completely recognizable and he even sang the tune very well. It was a proud mama moment! I wished he never stopped. I love listening to him! Of course, once he finds out I am listening he gets embarrassed and starts goofing off. It’s those sweet little moments when he's off in his own little world that I love to spy on him!

Back to the house...we bought a dining room set! I am excited to get it. It is so nice! We still need to find living room furniture. Right now, we have our extra mattress on the living room floor and sit on that to watch our TV. It actually makes for a fun little transition time...we have it piled with pillows! It is the only piece of "furniture" we have in there. I think we might try to brave the cold and snow tonight and go look for some furniture. I can't wait to get his house in order! Once I do, I'll post pictures. It may be little while though...


Somebody's Nobody said...

What the what? No pics De!? That is so sweet about Hayden. He is going to be a great singer like his old man and old woman. I am so very excited about you and your house.

Laney's bedding is on the way. Sorry it took so long.

Love you!