Monday, January 22, 2007

What Are You Doing Up There??

At 1:30a.m. this morning, I awoke to the screams of a 2 1/2 year old little boy. I ran over to his room, only to find that he wasn't in his room. He had climbed the shelves of the pantry and was screaming because he could not get down. I carried him into his room where I saw "The Mess." Yes, it deserves its own title. He had emptied out every snack and cereal (with-in his reach) all over his bed. (No, I did not take a picture. I was way too tired and upset.) I had been having a terrible dream that he was destroying this house and no one could stop him. Little did I know that while I was sleeping, my dream was actually taking place just a few feet away. We have decided that in our next house (which we get to move in to on Friday!!) we are going to put locks on all the doors that are lockable. I do not know what else to do to keep him out of stuff. He is becoming sneakier and sneakier...and he is only two. Oh Lord...what is next?!?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Last Few Weeks... it's been a little while since I last blogged. Here's my story in a nut shell...

Christmas was great! We celebrated it about a week late because Micah, Jaye, Gabe and Ella were coming to town and we wanted to wait for them. We had a great time. It was so much fun watching the cousins play together. Ella was so sweet with Delaney (and a big helper too!) It was great to see Jaye. I love spending time with her...I do wish we were closer.

Other than's been houses, houses and more houses. But praise be to God...we found a house! It seems like it all happened so quickly! Tuesday, I went to our monthly staff wives luncheon and mentioned that we were struggling to find a house and only had until the end of the month to be out of the one we are living in now. Well, God is good and he prompted one of the sweet ladies there to tell me about her son who had two houses he was desperate to sell. Later that afternoon, we went to see one of them and fell in love with it. Short story even shorter, today (Thursday...two days later) we made an offer and he accepted! It is totally a God house...I am in awe of how amazing it all is! We owe it all to Him (and to the sweet builder gentleman who undoubtedly gave us an incredible deal...and to our realtor for everyting he did!), but especially to the Lord for this awesome gift of a beautiful place to call home.