Monday, January 22, 2007

What Are You Doing Up There??

At 1:30a.m. this morning, I awoke to the screams of a 2 1/2 year old little boy. I ran over to his room, only to find that he wasn't in his room. He had climbed the shelves of the pantry and was screaming because he could not get down. I carried him into his room where I saw "The Mess." Yes, it deserves its own title. He had emptied out every snack and cereal (with-in his reach) all over his bed. (No, I did not take a picture. I was way too tired and upset.) I had been having a terrible dream that he was destroying this house and no one could stop him. Little did I know that while I was sleeping, my dream was actually taking place just a few feet away. We have decided that in our next house (which we get to move in to on Friday!!) we are going to put locks on all the doors that are lockable. I do not know what else to do to keep him out of stuff. He is becoming sneakier and sneakier...and he is only two. Oh Lord...what is next?!?


Anonymous said...

Love you. Love Hayden. Wish I was closer so I could help out.

It sounds like he needs a good pat on the butt. (spanking)

Somebody's Nobody said...

Funny. Funny. Funny. It's probably a good thing that it was in the middle of the night so his life wasn't in jeopardy. Things may have gotten pretty messy if you were coherent. ha!

Can't wait to see your house. I'm so glad you wll be able to get in and settle a little bit. It's been like two years since you have had any normalcy to your life and had your own house. It will be nice.

Domestic Diva said...

Wow, I feel for you! I don't know what I would have done to my child...I agree with Nobody, glad it was in the middle of the night...

I am happy that you are getting into your new home...congrats!