Monday, November 26, 2007

Black Friday MADNESS

Well, I did it. It was my first time shopping the day after Thanksgiving…holy cow…it was so much fun! Becky and I decided a while back that we were going to go together. She is a pro and does this every year, so she walked me through the 101 of Black Friday shopping. We registered about a month in advance to receive the secret ads via email, so we had been planning our adventure for several weeks. They came over for Thanksgiving and together with my family, including Grandma and Thomas, we made a feast. We had an 18-pound turkey, butternut squash casserole, mashed potatoes, corn casserole, green beans, cranberry sauce, home-made apple cider, biscuits, gravy, stuffing, pies and other desserts, and more I cant even think of now. It was great! Leftovers galore! Later that evening, we went to Brad and Becky’s. The kids and Scott spent the night there while Becky and I shopped. We left at midnight to hit the outlet malls (this was a last minute decision…we didn’t know they opened at midnight…woo-hoo!!) We were shocked at the amount of people there…it was unreal! Trying to find a parking space was nuts! But, God was looking out for us because just about every place we went, we got a great parking place! We hung out at the outlets for about 2 ½ hours to kill time before Kohls opened at 4 a.m. We ended our early morning there at Ruby’s diner with some fried zucchini and hot cocoa. We arrived at Kohls about 10 till 4, hopped in line and waited for the doors to open. They did and we were off…to find everything on our list before someone else snatched the last one up. Amazingly, we got everything we wanted and then some. After waiting in-line FOREVER to check out, we were on our way to Target. All in all, we caught the early-birds at Kohls, Target, Penney’s, Linens-n-Things, Wal-Mart, the Rack, and Ulta. We finished our shopping venture around 3:30 p.m. totally satisfied and surprisingly still feeling alive. I went to bed at 8 p.m. and slept till noon the next day! Ha! It was so much fun. Becky…we are definitely on again for next year!


Somebody's Nobody said...

You are so crazy...and I LOVE it! Glad you found some good deals. Becky is a cutie and I can't wait to meet her. Maybe next year....I'm so glad you were able to go and not have to worry about the kids. Nice job Scott. And I'm so happy for you about your new car too!! Love you!