Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Despite the packing madness going on around here, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go out and get some pure hype-you-up, make-you-bounce-off-the-walls, sugar-filled candy, right? Just what we need around here. A two year old who can’t sit still. We dressed up in our favorite character (Superman) and hit the streets. Scott took Hayden over to the house of a sweet family in our church and they loaded him up! He decided to hit a few more houses in their neighborhood until he came to one house where a guy wearing a demon mask jumped out from behind his door and scared Hayden so bad, Scott had to chase him down the street! You know, that just ruins it for me. Its fun until somebody has to take it to the next level, dress like a demon and scare my little boy. What’s with that?


DeGrimm said...

I tried to post pictures, but blogger wouldn't let me. I'll try again later.

Anonymous said...

I thouroughly enjoy the holiday season kicker-offer. Not for the scary stuff but the CANDY...which I don't eat...hmmm. Hope he's not scarred for life!

Somebody's Nobody said...

What the what!? Well, at least you have some candy now. j/k Poor kid.

Domestic Diva said...

What a terrible experience for
him:( Did he have a bad dream that night?

It takes all kinds...people are just goofy and never think of the outcome.