Monday, December 04, 2006

The Last Month...

I feel like it has been so long since I've been able to get on-line! Finally I can write an update for my lonely blog. Although, I’m not sure where to begin…I’ll just give the long and short of the last month.

November 8th – We loaded up the BIG truck and said goodbye to our friends in Lubbock. It was bitter-sweet, but we were looking ahead to the exciting future God had prepared us for in Arkansas. We didn’t arrive to Springdale until the 9th, so one the way, we found a cheap hotel to stay in (you know how those can be). Hayden was very sick that night and woke up the next morning with an exploded diaper ALL over him and his bed. Not fun.

November 9th – We arrived at our new home in Springdale and it is beautiful! A sweet family in our new church here has been trying to sell their home and in the mean time has offered to let us rent it from them. It is a very nice four bedroom home and the best part about it is they left it completely furnished. We could have come with just the clothes on our backs and been perfect. God is so good! And the best part, the worship ministries from both churches filled our fridge, pantry and gave us a gift card to Wal-Mart! Thank you! P.S. I told you that Hayden had been sick the night before, right? Well, we were so excited to see the inside of our house for the first time and right when we walked through the front door, Hayden threw up all over the floor. Nice. Luckily it was not carpet, so the clean up was easy.

November 14th (Five days after we move in) – Hayden woke up around 7:30 am. One thing about this house is it has the handle door knobs that you push down to open the door. They are very pretty looking…they are also very easy for Hayden (who is two, remember) to open. I did not know he was awake until he came into our room and said “messy.” I then chased him out of my room to a pile of white mess on the carpet. Once I put my contacts in, I realized the extent of what “messy” meant. Hayden had gotten into the pantry in the kitchen, grabbed a bag of powdered sugar, carried it into the living room and dumped it all over the carpet. He had obviously been playing in it for quite a while because he was covered from head to toe and it was packed into the carpet. Here’s the best part, the day before, our vacuum broke so I had no way to clean it up. For two days we had to avoid a pile of powdered sugar in the middle of the living room until we could borrow a vacuum from a friend.

November 22nd – Charis came over and spent the night because I was home alone (with the kiddos, of course). Scott went to the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day game with Josh…don’t worry, I’m not jealous. We had a great time cooking Thanksgiving food ALL NIGHT! We made pumpkin cheesecakes, apple pie, cranberry salad with a cream cheese middle layer, turkey sausage stuffing with apples and cranberries, butternut squash casserole (always a favorite), apple orchard punch and two cheese balls (wink, wink to Charis). YUM-O!

November 23rd – We went to Mamaw and Papaw’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner. It was a lot of fun and a lot of good food! Hayden had the best time wrestling around with his cousins! I think he has a new best friend!

November 25th – Scott and I were on our way to do some Christmas shopping when we came across a garage sale. I bought a 7.5 foot pre-lit (white lights) Christmas tree ($5.00!), a large wreath ($1.00!), a box full of new-looking books for Hayden ($2.00) and a chandelier ($1.00). I know…I don’t need a chandelier, but who could pass it up? It was beautiful, just like new and only a buck!! All that stuff for under 10 dollars. That never happens to me!

November 28th – We put our tree up! It looks so little in this big house of ours…but finally it feels like Christmas. And, I bought Febreze that smells like Christmas…yum! I love this time of year! We thought we would check out the after Christmas sales to try and get a good deal on a bigger tree for next year.

December 1st – We got our first snow today! It wasn’t much, but it was pretty! Boy, is it cold! Scott and I went to Hobby Lobby today and got some fun stuff for Christmas. Everything was half-off! We picked up some stockings (a pink one for Laney, of course), cute stocking hangers for the mantle, some retro lights for Scott’s tree downstairs and a tree skirt. I love when Hobby Lobby has what I want on sale!

December 3rd – We had our Christmas concert this afternoon. Because the church has been without a worship pastor, they decided to do music they already knew this year. There were several songs and Scott and I have been listening to them NON-STOP so we could learn them for the big day. It was a lot to learn but we did it and the performance was great! Everyone did a fantastic job and we had a great time!

Well, that sums up the month I’ve been away. I’ve missed you all! It’s good to be back!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad ur back! I missed you. Glad to hear all is going well in your new home.

Somebody's Nobody said...

Geesh De. You are like a blogging mama! You have had such an eventful month and I know you are just so busy, but it has been good to talk to you again. Like old times. I can't wait to meet my little baby and play with my little buddy. Only 22 more days.