Thursday, December 07, 2006

Good Night Sweetheart

Scott didn't think I should put this on my blog...but it is so cute, how could I not?

Poor Miss Delaney has been without a bed of her own since we moved. The crib we used for Hayden broke during our first move to Lubbock so when Delaney came along, we used a cradle that some friends let us borrow. We really need to get her a crib, but until then, she is sleeping in our room in the bottom drawer of the dresser. She doesn't mind...she's quite cozy in there! And cute, too!

Hey Jen, recognize this blanket? I think it's yours! I found it in one of our boxes...sorry!


Domestic Diva said...

Too cute...I had a girlfriend that had her baby sleep in the bottom of the dresser also...their reason was because they could not afford a harm though, their boy is now 13 and a great blessing to all he knows...
So Miss Delaney's "crib" is a great alternative!!
Glad you are back and semi settled in AR

Somebody's Nobody said...

I still sleep in my drawers. j/k

I can't believe how much lil Delaney looks like Hayden did when he was a baby! Her little face is so round just like his was when he smiled.