Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Attention, Please...

I was trying to take pictures of Delaney today because she was in such a good mood and smiling so big. Everytime I would give her attention (trying to take her picture) he would do everything he could to get my attention back on him. He kept laying down next to her and being silly. He even went as far as to pull down his pants and start "crying." So, needless to say, I never did get a good picture of Laney by herself...they were all about Hayden! And, Hayden learned how to do a summersault today. I took some video of it. Maybe when I get brave eough to update and re-post my slide show, I will add that video to it.

Also, just for laughs...Hayden insists on calling me "honey" today instead of mommy. I was going to the bathroom he came running down the hallway calling "honey, honey..." So cute!


Anonymous said...

Wyatt does the same thing when I try to take pictures of Cody....well he doesn't pull down his pants and cry but he does make sure that I know he is there...the only time I can get good pics of Cody by himself is when Wyatt is at school...otherwise it's showoff time!

Somebody's Nobody said...

He is so cute. The kids will have fun at Christmas doing backflips together. ha!